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Day Minus Three


Updated: Jul 10, 2022

First thoughts today inevitably relate to the schedule for the coming days. Yesterday afternoon, members of the Bottom to the (Top FTB TTT) team gathered on Zoom to introduce ourselves to one another and discuss the expected shape of each day before us and what we might need to bring for the two weeks plus we shall be on the road. I will leave the team to introduce themselves in later blogs.

In our planning, today, 9th July, is Day -3, with Monday 11th July, the day we will be driving o Lands End and staying in a hostel nearby.

However on the Zoom, I broke the news that I had tested positive for Covid -19 the previous Sunday, 3rd July, and was still positive. NHS guidance says I can regard myself as not likely to infect others from next Tuesday. In the light of this, there is the possibility that I will have to travel to Cornwall by train a day later and meet the others in Cornwall .

Although my experience of Covid-19 has been relatively mild and more like a cold with an irritating cough, I am also aware that I will need to ride myself into the challenge more gently than would be normal for me.

In this respect, it will be a greater blessing to have Chris Stanley, my cycling clubmate, riding alongside than I had imagined. Our team hope is that this venture will lift the spirits of hundreds of people in Swindon who daily face the challenges of social inequalities, and remind them that there are not just our small band of this FBTTT team but thousands of us who want to come alongside them and make this coming Christmas a very special one.

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