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About the ride

What is it that fuels you? For me as I ride, it’s From the Bottom to the Top. I was inspired by Karen Gardner from the BBC who challenged me and helped me see the human face of inequalities in our society and our town of Swindon. Tom Wilkes showed me the importance of making practical changes that enable people to live more fully, and to do something about it. More of what they taught me later.


Every pedal stroke of this ride, from the Bottom to the Top of the UK I will be carrying in my heart some of the most disadvantaged people in Swindon drawing attention to the amazing people who live and sometimes struggle in our town.


At the end of the ride I hope that together we will raise a substantial amount of money to enable some of those who will benefit the most to receive a gift this Christmas that will make a real difference to their daily life.

If you would like to follow the route you can read the full itinerary here


To make a donation please visit

From the Bottom to the Top

Cathedral ride 8
west ankole 2
Cathedral ride 7
Cathedral ride 15
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